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Monday, August 16, 2010

Please help us get our new record pressed! (IE, Monolators on Kickstarter)

I don't know if you've heard of  Kickstarter or not, but it's a kind of project-based fundraising site to help people raise money for various art projects and worthy causes--we just set up a page there for the first time, and our goal is to drum up $1600 in the space of 30 days to help us get our new split 12" EP mastered and pressed to vinyl.  I would really really appreciate it if you'd take a look and consider pre-ordering the record. We put together a video to promote the project, and it includes footage of us from our recording sessions--please take a look at that too (via the link above).  Note: we're not asking for donations/charity/pity--you do actually get something in return for pledging $$!  In this case you get a copy of the record when it's pressed and released in November.  So yes, we're just asking that you pre-order the new record, this is not a Please Give Us Money For Absolutely No Good Reason campaign.

The way this works is: Kickstarter lets people check out your fundraising cause and decide if they want to pledge some money to help make it happen, kinda like public radio, but less irritating.  However, there's a time limit: we have to hit our fundraising goal within the 30-day period to actually collect the pledges.  In our case, if we can't get enough people to pledge/pre-order, and we don't hit the $1600 mark, then the pledges are voided and nobody gets charged.  If we can raise the $1600, though, then we can go ahead and get our record pressed up and we will mail you a copy with a hand-silkscreened cover, all nice and pretty.

I should clarify what this record actually is: it's a split 12" EP.  That means we're putting two EPs on it, one per side.  Side A is the new Silver Cities EP, 4 brand-new songs that we recorded & mixed with our friend Luke of boxViolet fame! Yay Luke!  We love you.  If you go to our myspace page you can hear the title track, which is called, natch, Silver Cities!

On the other side we have our Ruby, I'm Changing My Number EP from last year, which we recorded & mixed with our friend Joe from Le Switch!  Yay Joe!  We love you too.  Ruby never got a 'proper' release on vinyl, so we're excited that it's finally going to get the full treatment.  Note--we are only planning to make 100 copies of this split EP, so yes, if you'd like a copy, then pledging to our Kickstarter campaign is how you can get one.

There are a couple of different pledging options--all the way from $5 (which doesn't actually get you a copy of the vinyl record, but will get you mp3 copies of the songs once the record is released) to $15 (which gets you the physical record, including shipping costs) to various exotic pledging options (the Mary's Pretzels option, the Song Poem option, the Dog Hair Pillow option, among others).  We also have European pricing/shipping for our friends abroad.  Check it out.

Even if you can't pledge anything (we understand!) the very nicest possible thing you can do to help us would be to spread the link around to friends/family/lovers/nerds/hoboes/etc.  I know $1600 doesn't sound like a lot, but since we are totally DIY and not on a label of any kind, it actually amounts to a GREAT DEAL to us, and we are very very grateful for your help.

Thanks everyone!

-Eli Monolator


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