I have not been out much recently because we are hard at work recording new records for both monolators and cobra lilies. The monolators material was originally intended for a split 7" that may or may not come to fruition--if it doesn't, we're shooting to put out the songs on a new digital EP by the end of April. These recordings contain some interesting experiments with synthesizers (rather than pianos or organs) which are a bit new for us and we're quite excited about that!
The Cobra Lilies material is also for a new 4-song ep. We're slowly trying to catch up with our catalog of songs that we've got piling up, not an easy feat when we release records at the rate of 4 songs per year. We are trying to step up production a bit in that department.
Some shows coming up: Monolators play Sean Carnage on April 12. Cobra Lilies play Silverlake Lounge with Pizza! and So Many Wizards on April 19, and we're playing the Armory Family Art Festival in Pasadena on April 24. Should be sweet. More news as it comes.
I bought a melon today. It was no good. I sliced it open and The juices ran down the side. Too many juices. The smell Was Beyond belief. A dead smell, a smell of dreary islands, a smell of the vomiting helpless, of the forever lost, a smell of one billion sparrows rotting, churning with atoms, sliding into bile. A smell saying, This is not for you, This is not for this earth, This is not for [the flesh of men]. Beware young lovers. Beware curling locks. Beware bluebell eyes, flushed cheeks, roseapple lips. Drink your sweet wines and sigh but touch not the poisoned dew. The melon spilled over the blue and white tiles of the floor Spattering Everywhere and everything A stench like a whirlpool, I fought the tide and then I made my peace With the paper towels and the sink And then a little later ate Some risotto instead.
It was pointed out to me that I have in fact played a solo show fairly recently, at the moustache circus. I had forgotten about that. However, as I was standing on top of a picnic table and screaming over the noise of a crowd that was not listening, and clawing away at a guitar I could not hear, I guess I had blotted that incident from my memory. Does that count as a "show"?
We have a couple of discount slots for the March 4 show at the Echoplex with Leslie & The LY's--$10 instead of $13--please email us [mail at themonolators dot com] or send a facebook message or what have you with your name(s) if you'd like to be on the list.